Up next, it’s Adam McKaig & Melissa Borders from Douglas Elliman Realtors. From selling celebrity homes to helping the homeless, Adam and Melissa serve Santa Barbara like no one else. Reach Adam at 805-452-6884. Or check with Melissa at 805-453-0842.
Then, Drew Wakefield welcomes back Tony Arroyo from Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant & Take Out. Los Arroyos has locations in Montecito, Santa Barbara and Goleta. Menu and hours at https://www.losarroyos.net.
Tino De Guevara from the Santa Barbara Eastside Society stops by. Tino reminds us about the Pirates & Mermaids Sunset Cruise coming up Friday, September 16th. Book your tickets at https://sbeastside.org/events.
And finally Bill Pintard from the Santa Barbara Foresters calls in. Bill tells us about The Foresters Championship Celebration Sept. 18th at The Carriage and Western Art Museum. Details at https://www.facebook.com/SBForesters.