We open the show Chris Walden, Artistic Director for the Pacific Jazz Orchestra. Chris tells us about an awesome concert taking place Friday, September 6th at the Granada Theatre featuring guitarist/vocalist John Pizzarelli and powerhouse singer Sy Smith. John and Sy will be performing with Chris Walden and the Pacific Jazz Orchestra. Details at pacificjazz.org/calendar.
Then Drew Wakefield welcomes back everyone’s favorite, Jennifer Walsh from Mesa Produce at 2036 Cliff Drive. Jennifer gives us an update on some incredible melons that are in season. We also discuss avocados, apples and even singing. It’s always a treat when Jennifer joins us. MesaProduce.com. Also Facebook and Instagram.
12:06 Chris Walden Pacific Jazz Orchestra Artistic Director
Pacificjazz.org Friday, September 6th at the Granada Theatre
12:17 2:30 Break
12:20 Thank the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth for Each & Every Blessing He Has Bestowed Upon Each & Every One of us.
12:21Chris Walden Pacific Jazz Orchestra Artistic Director
Pacificjazz.org Friday, September 6th at the Granada Theatre
12:26 2:30 Break
12:29 Jennifer Walsh Mesa Produce
MesaProduce.com 2036 Cliff Drive
12:36 2:30 Break
12:39 Jennifer Walsh Mesa Produce
MesaProduce.com 2036 Cliff Drive
12:50 2:30 Break
12:53 Drew Finishes up the Show
12:59 Radio Show Ends!