June 23
We welcome back Adam McKaig & Melissa Borders. Adam and Melissa are real estate agents with Douglas Elliman. Contact Adam at 805.452.6884. Reach Melissa at 805.453.0842. And please support their non-profit organization, Adam’s Angels. They distribute clothing, toiletries, non-perishable food and street survival equipment to those experiencing hardship in our community. Check out adamsangels-sb.org.
Up next, it’s Regina Ruiz of St. Vincent’s Santa Barbara. St. Vincent’s is dedicated to strengthening low-income families and seniors through programs rooted in the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. Learn more at stvincents-sb.org. Phone 805-683-6381.
To wrap up the show it’s Ian Cutler of Cutler’s Artisan Spirits. Cutler’s is Santa Barbara’s first legal distillery of fine hand crafted spirits. Do some tasting at 137 Anacapa St. Suite D in Santa Barbara. Go to cutlersartisan.com. Call 805-845-4040.