Up first, it’s Jayne Sigman from Camp Canine at 803 East Montecito Street. Camp Canine has been Santa Barbara’s Premier Pet Resort & Spa since 1984. The care and comfort of your dog continues to be their passion and their commitment. Go to CampCanineSB.Com. Call (805) 962-4790 for a tour and a complimentary trial for your canine friend.
Next, we welcome back Jennifer Walsh from Mesa Produce. Jennifer talks about Bird Flu, the high cost of eggs, rain in the forecast and what fruits and veggies are in season. You’ll find Mesa Produce at 2036 Cliff Drive. They also have a spot at 1030 Coast Village Road in Montecito. Details at MesaProduce.Com. Call (805) 962-1645.
Finally, Warren Butler stops to remind us that The Anchor Rose at the Harbor is THE SPOT to watch the NFL Playoff Games and The Super Bowl. Great food, great drinks, highest quality TV monitors. Check out TheAnchorRose.com.