December 11
We open the show with “The King of Latkes” Chef Doug Weinstein at The Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara. Check out his “Get Baked” cooking show at https://www.jewishsantabarbara.org.
Then we bring on Clay Lovejoy from Three Pickles Sandwiches and Subs & The Pickle Room. We give away five Gift Cards donated by Foresters’ Coach Bill Pintard. Go to http://threepickles.com.
Next we get Craig Saling with Santa Barbara Cash Register on the phone. Craig helps local restaurants set up on-line ordering systems. Details at https://www.santabarbaracashregister.com.
Our buddy Clay Holdren from Holdren’s Steaks & Seafood stops by. Holdren’s is located in downtown Santa Barbara, serving the highest quality steaks and seafood. Order at https://www.holdrens.com/sb.
Then, Brandon Brewer of Grocery Outlet calls in. He gives away three Gift Cards! Great bargains at https://groceryoutlet.com.
And finally, Alvaro Castellanos Rojas of milk & honey & Alcazar Tapas Bar joins us. Eleven years in a row, Best Tapas. Need we say more. Great site at https://www.milknhoneytapas.com.
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