Drew Wakefield opens the show with Stacie Jacob from The World of Pinot Noir. This AMAZING event takes place Thursday, Friday, and Saturday February 27th, 28th and March 1st, 2025 at the Ritz Carlton Bacara. It’s WorldOfPinotNoir.Com.
Next, it’s Tony Arroyo, owner of Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant & Take Out. Three locations at 14 W. Figueroa, 1280 Coast Village Road and 5764 Calle Real. Tis the season for Gift Cards and Tamales. Check out LosArroyos.Net. 20% Off Los Arroyos Gift Cards Start Now though the End of the Year. It is Better To Give than to Receive unless you are Receiving a Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant & Take Out Gift Card.
Our final guest is John Jeffries from The Terrace Foundation & Pilgrim Terrace. John reminds us that Wakefield 805 will broadcast live from Pilgrim Terrace on Friday, December 13th. Details at PilgrimTerrace.Org – $20.00 for Lunch and we will have Jennifer Walsh of Mesa Produce and her Ladies of The Treble Cleft Singing Christmas Carols to get everyone in the Christmas Spirit. RSVP today and Bring Friends, especially Seniors and those who Love Christmas.
Drew wraps up the show talking about upcoming Community Events and Santa Claus appearances around town.